The Start

If you couldn’t tell from the title, this is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so bear with me as I experience the awkward growing pains until I find my groove. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates every week. Keep reading to learn more about my intentions for this blog!

What is your blog about?

My main reason for starting a blog is to serve as a creative outlet while learning a new skill. Whether anything becomes of this blog, it is something I’ve been interested in for a while now and decided to finally go for. Perhaps it is all the self-improvements and professional books I’ve been reading lately, but I felt inspired to start. As a mullet-sporting Shia LeBeouf would say…

I’ll be writing about my random interests that include DIY projects, lifestyle optimization (aka Adulting), recipes, travel, and experiments. As a fair warning, I’m not the best cook, however, I do have a few tried and true recipes that are ALWAYS a crowd-pleaser. I will only post the ones that I would serve to my guests with confidence. And reader, I promise you here and now, that I will not have a long rambling introduction before I get to the ingredients and directions. That is a pet peeve of mine. No one cares if you learned the recipe from the great aunt of your lover on vacation… Just give me the damn paella recipe!

The DIY posts will range from home improvements, small sewing/art projects to attempts at gardening while my two dogs wreak havoc on my efforts. I love before and after articles so hopefully, my garden project will be something to eventually aspire to rather than pity as it’s current state warrants.

Lastly, I expect the bulk of my posts will be about lifestyle optimization, or as my generation calls it, “Adulting.” I’ll share experiences I’ve had since being a dumb clueless college graduate to this mildly successful, independently functioning adult you see before you (Whoa brag alert). What qualifications do I have to give you advice? Well admittedly, nothing really that amazing. I am just a millennial with her shit together. I work full-time, married an awesome human, I have NO BAD DEBT, two adorable rescue dogs and I own my home in the DC metro area. While I’m not on track to retire at 30 like some of my favorite bloggers, I am proud of what I’ve achieved and grateful for my life I’ve built with my husband, J, and our two dogs, Boba and Ruby.

That’s it for now. Check back soon for more if any of the above piqued your interest!

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