Save Money by Reading for Free


Never before in history has acquiring books been faster or easier than today. What a time to be alive when you can have a book delivered to you Kindle or other eReader in a matter of seconds. While this phenomenon is easy, I think it’s also a huge rip off.

Books are expensive, especially if you consume multiple books a month all year long. As an avid reader, I am reluctant to ever buy an actual book because there are many books I want to read but I doubt I’ll read it again, thus keeping it seems pointless. Instead, I utilize the good old fashion system of borrowing books for free from the library.

Oh, what’s that? It isn’t convenient enough for you?

Books are free if you’re willing to wait. I listen to free audiobooks through the Libby app, the only catch is I typically have to wait a few weeks before it’s available. The Libby app comes with all the conveniences of other audiobook delivery systems. It’s simple and links directly with your local library card.

Another I like to save money on books is through friends and family. I often swap books with other people to read something new and it is likely the book will be somewhat decent if someone gave me one of their old ones. If I can’t find free books, I will buy USED books off Amazon for a couple bucks.

Around my neighborhood, people set up these book boxes to discard used books and pick up someone else’s used book. The policy is generally take one leave one, however, I have yet to find anything in there that entices me to carry it home. But alas this is another great option and something you can always start in your own neighborhood.

While books always look nice on a shelf, I prefer less clutter, even if it’s stylish. In my eyes, books are meant to be read and shared.

For book recommendations, check out February’s list!

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