Fun Things to Do with Your Infant During Winter

Family at an aquarium

Feeling cooped up in the cold months with your precious, albeit boring, baby? Let’s face it. Babies sometimes aren’t all that interesting. They are terrible conversationalists, and their interests stop at whatever object is in front of them. While there are fun things you can do at home, it’s also nice getting out into the … Read more

New Year Resolutions 2023

Happy New Year with eucalyptus

One of the most exciting parts of New Years Eve is the anticipation for something new. A new year is filled with expectancy- Will this year be better? Will I finally get in shape? Will I move to that city I’ve talked about? I, like many, love New Year’s resolutions. The idea of bettering oneself … Read more

Navigating Your Marriage After Having a Baby

It is no secret that kids change all aspects of one’s life, including the relationship between you and your spouse. Inevitably one person will default to being the primary caregiver and the disparity between workloads can leave someone resentful. While my husband does do a lot to help keep the house running, it’s hard not … Read more