Newborn Daily Essentials and must-have baby registry items

There are many products out there claiming to be necessary for a newborn. If you go to YouTube, there are countless videos of people talking about their favorite products and a lot of them seem unnecessary. It’s hard to know what you’ll truly need as every baby is different and every mom is different in preferences. Personal preferences aside, these are 5 things I used every day with a newborn that will benefit all new moms.

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#1. My Breast Friend Nursing Pillow

Everyone is familiar with the Boppy; the U-shaped pillow that works for nursing and propping up babies. But there is a better nursing pillow available called “My Breast Friend.” I first used the pillow at M’s first doctor’s appointment and lactation consultation and immediately loved it. What makes this pillow superior to the boppy is the firmness, height, and adjustability. This pillow is firmer, so your baby doesn’t sink away from you causing you to hunch over more when trying to get baby to latch. It also has an adjustable strap so that there isn’t a gap between you and the pillow, a crucial feature I learned after initially starting on the boppy. Also, the shape of the pillow fits baby so much better. Highly recommend

#2. Electric Double Breast Pump

I was on the fence about getting a proper breast pump. I thought I’d just feed my baby on demand and wouldn’t need to pump. Oh, how wrong I was! Though she may demand feedings as she pleases, my boobs have demands that sometimes don’t sync with M. Engorgement is brutal and you’ll want a way to relieve that pressure, especially if you and baby haven’t figured out the ins and outs of breastfeeding yet.

Most insurance companies offer free breast pumps. Check with yours to see which types are available. I called the customer service line on the back of my card and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to get the information I needed. Takes only 5 minutes and it can save you potentially hundreds.

#3. Aquaphor

The miracle ointment used to avoid irritation due to wetness. I use it on M’s butt during diaper changes, especially at night. I also found it helps under her chin and chest area when she drools excessively or spits up. Keeps the skin happy.

#4. Frida Baby Nose Picker

This awesome multi-purpose tool is great for daily grooming. There’s a small, hooked loop that targets boogers and fits their tiny nose. There are three other tools including and earwax picker, nail tool and a “body” tool. I use the booger and earwax tool the most.

#5. Electric Nail Filer

Trimming tiny baby nails with traditional clippers sounds daunting to me. My friend gave me an electric nail filer and it is very effective and easy. I’ll trim M’s nails while she sleeps and it doesn’t wake her up. It’s nice and quiet.

Baby Registry Must-Haves

  • The Snoo Bassinet – Rent or buy, it’s been a life saver for us. We caved and rented one when M was three weeks old and it helped her sleep through the night by 1.5 months.
  • Baby wrap for baby wearing – Check out YouTube for tutorials on how to wear it. M loved being close to me and she felt very secure. As a newborn, the regular carriers feel awkward. The wraps feel good with a newborn. I still use mine a lot and M is 5 months old now.
  • Frida baby snot sucker – clears out congested babies (with the help of saline spray).
  • Magnetic Me onesie – so awesome in the early days when you are changing a billion diapers. These onesies snap together with magnetics so no fumbling with buttons or zippers. And yes, it is possible to fumble with zippers, especially at 4 am.
  • Humidifier
  • The Hatch Sound Machine – I love that it has programmable sounds and colors. You control it from an app so it’s very convenient to turn up or down the volume or brightness from your phone.
  • Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor – I love this one because it doesn’t have internet access so it’s safer from hackers, the quality is good, and you can add additional cameras to this set.
  • DIAPERS and wipes – You will use them and the cost does add up. Make sure to add a variety of sizes. You don’t want 4 big boxes of newborns and then give birth to a 10lbs baby. You can return unopened boxes of diapers from Target. Just keep in mind sizes varies between brands; I learned the hard way that Pampers is larger than Target brand and Huggies.
  • 4Moms brand pack n play – Graco pack and plays are annoying after experiencing the luxury of the 4moms pack and play. Set up and break down with one hand. It is so much easier, just register for this one.
  • Burp cloths – These are so cheap, soft and absorbent.

Bonus Tips!

  1. Don’t register for clothes. You will get plenty as people love buying baby clothes (especially if you have a girl!!!)
  2. Bottles – Don’t register for a ton of one particular kind. I recommend getting starter sets of 2-3 different brands. My baby started on Dr. Brown bottles as a newborn but now at 5 months she only takes Tommee Tippee bottles. They are fickle beings!
  3. If you register for a glider, I recommend going in to Buy Buy Baby to test them out. I tried about 20 different ones. I’m 5’9 so that did affect my choice. Get a foot stool!
  4. Get Amazon Prime – You’ll need it when your dog eats your baby’s aspirator in the middle of the day while your baby is struggling with a cold (based on true events). Overnight delivery is magical.
  5. People will offer to cook meals or help out with housework. LET THEM.
  6. I got a Chicco highchair second hand, and it has the ability to recline which is super nice for M who isn’t eating yet but likes to sit with us as we have dinner. We are promoting family time, so we have M sit in her highchair with a variety of toys while we eat dinner. The reclining feature is nice since she can’t sit up unassisted and shouldn’t be upright at this point.
  7. Nursing covers – These are convenient but honestly at this point I prefer wearing a loose t-shirt over a nursing tank top. The nursing tank covers my back and belly and the t-shirt drapes over the majority of my boob, so nothing is exposed when M nurses. The nursing covers annoy me but this one has a wire that makes it less annoying.

For the other mamas out there who survived the newborn stage, tell me what were your top five must-have newborn items?

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