Expecting a baby!

A lot has changed since my last post it’s hard to know where to begin. I’ve neglected my poor blog again and seems it’s becoming a habit that my interest in blogging is renewed each winter but gone by the time Spring arrives. Well the biggest life update is that my husband and I are expecting our first child! Just what the world needs, another mom blog, right? 馃槈

While that is the good news, life isn’t life if it doesn’t have some trials. When I was about 10 weeks pregnant my husband and I attended a wedding in NYC for one night. We were gone for maybe 30 hours total and came home to a burst pipe and flooded home. Fast forward to today; 25 weeks pregnant and we are still living with my brother and his wife while our home is still under repair from the flood damage.

There are blessings sprinkled in this unfortunate situation. I was incredibly sick for the first four months of my pregnancy. Living with my brother and sister-in-law was truly a blessing because they helped take good care of me while I suffered through all day morning sickness. My brother would walk my dogs for me and my sweet sister-in-law constantly tried finding ways to relieve my nausea and find foods I could tolerate (honey crisp apples and cheesesteak were popular with my growing baby). My husband had to go out of town right after the flood so I was so grateful to have my family help me in that stressful time.

Another blessing is that during the repairs we found four pin hole leaks in our copper pipes and ended up replacing the majority of our pipes with PVC. Now we can rest assured that our home will be water tight for years to come. And while we have a crew out repairing our home, we decided to do some minor upgrades and other unrelated repairs to prepare for our daughter’s arrival in May. When the walls are open, take advantage! Insurance is covering the majority of the work, but we’ve asked the project manager to bill us separately for the updates we are doing such as replacing light fixtures, fixing crushed ducts and installing a new bathroom sink that won’t leak.

The majority of my free time has been focused on home repairs, but now that those decisions have been made I’m in full baby planning mode. True to the name of this blog, I’m already finding thrifty ways to prepare for the baby. I’m a big fan of secondhand baby items and with a lot of friends and family having had little babies themselves, we have a wide variety of options! The best part about it (besides that it’s free) is that I’ll be able to pass on a lot of these items to my sister-in-law or other friends. Less money spent and less items going to a landfill!

I plan to dedicate a post to how I’m preparing for my first child so stay tuned!

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