Navigating Your Marriage After Having a Baby

It is no secret that kids change all aspects of one’s life, including the relationship between you and your spouse. Inevitably one person will default to being the primary caregiver and the disparity between workloads can leave someone resentful. While my husband does do a lot to help keep the house running, it’s hard not … Read more

February Reads!

Stacked books

At the beginning of the year, I decided to make it my goal to ready 21 books in 2021. I count audiobooks as part of my read count, since it’s easy to multi-task while listening to a book. I listen while I clean, walk my dogs or when I’m cooking. I ended up reading 5 … Read more

How to Start a Successful a Book Club | 5 Tips

Late in 2019, some girlfriends and I started a small book club to supplement our meetups that usually revolved around wine. Looking for a little more thought stimulating (and less gossiping) conversation, we turned to literature. A female fight club was briefly considered but ultimately vetoed due to sustainability issues and the group’s aversion to … Read more