Am I frugal if I hire a Maid Service?

The short answer, YES! I’ve recently started outsourcing the bane of my existence, cleaning. Now I don’t mind tidying up, doing laundry and just generally keeping things clutter-free, however, I detest scrubbing a toilet, tub or cleaning my stove top and floors. That routine maintenance cleaning takes forever but really makes a difference in combined … Read more

A month without social media.

Sometime in February, after reading the Power of Habit, I realized my morning routine started with 15-30 minutes if mindlessly checking social media. How did I let that happen? It was a completely involuntary impulse to grab my phone when I woke up, check to see my sleep score through Fitbit, then start scrolling through … Read more

February Reads!

Stacked books

At the beginning of the year, I decided to make it my goal to ready 21 books in 2021. I count audiobooks as part of my read count, since it’s easy to multi-task while listening to a book. I listen while I clean, walk my dogs or when I’m cooking. I ended up reading 5 … Read more