How to Start a Successful a Book Club | 5 Tips

Late in 2019, some girlfriends and I started a small book club to supplement our meetups that usually revolved around wine. Looking for a little more thought stimulating (and less gossiping) conversation, we turned to literature. A female fight club was briefly considered but ultimately vetoed due to sustainability issues and the group’s aversion to … Read more

Travel Diary – Park City, UT

Every couple of years my family takes a big ski trip to a new place. This year was Park City, Utah, the biggest ski resort in the U.S. and only second to Whistler for the entirety of North America. What I’ve always loved about ski trips are excellent views, outdoor activity and family time. It’s … Read more

The Start

If you couldn’t tell from the title, this is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so bear with me as I experience the awkward growing pains until I find my groove. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates every week. Keep reading to learn … Read more