It’s OK to Have a Simple Birthday Celebration for Your Kid.

Does anyone else feel like celebrations have gotten out of hand? From weddings, gender reveals and kid birthday parties, it feels overwhelming to keep up with expectations especially when you are flooded with constant comparisons on social media. Even last winter I had those feelings and opted to simplify how we did Christmas. After throwing … Read more

Budgeting Tips – Manage your Money

Things have become expensive. Between inflation, “shrink-flation” and the cost of raising a child (and two dogs), my wallet is tired. More than ever, I’m trying to keep my spending under control and budget my grocery bills. But before I dive in with budgeting tips, you must first understand your default spending. #1 Understanding recurring … Read more

My 30-Day Yoga Journey

Yoga at sunrise

I haven’t worked out consistently in months thanks to new mom life. I needed some motivation to get back into the habit but one that I hopefully keep up after the month is over. One Youtuber I follow does annual 30-day yoga challenges for the month of January. Yoga with Adriene has 11.8M subscribers for … Read more

The Best Way to Clean Mirrors


Mirrors, especially bathroom mirrors, get surprisingly dirty for something that rarely gets touched. They are prone to splatters, dust and gunk from flossing. As gross as it is to see all the projectiles on the mirror, it’s almost equally annoying to find streaks after cleaning a mirror. A few years ago, I switched my cleaning … Read more